Beware of the Workplace Potty

For months now, I’ve been getting my exercise each day by taking the stairs. My stair climbing isn’t necessarily to get in shape although I desperately need to, it’s to find a bathroom that doesn’t make me want to throw up, pass out, or kill the nasty broad who feels her target doesn’t necessarily have to be the commode.   It seems that others share my sentiment.  I’m noticing familiar faces in the pristine bathrooms as many as 6 floors away as people branch out for at the very least, clean air.   I don’t know what’s up with the women that we work with, but they obviously need a course on hygiene. 

It’s actually gotten so bad that the higher ups have taken notice, constant emails being sent to the everyone that, if read by a stranger, it would be seen as a joke.  But even walk past the 10th floor women’s bathroom and you may just lose your lunch. 

Don’t believe that women could be so disgusting?  Check the evidence below……

Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 5:45 PM

Subject: Womens Restroom
Importance: High

Hi Everyone,

Today we had to call building maintenance to the ladies restroom two times due to toilet flooding. This was due to putting large amounts of hard to flush items in the toilet. Today it was caused by paper towels but this is a reoccurring issue and other items are being flushed as well. Please make sure that you are not flushing anything non-human in origin besides toilet paper or the paper seat covers. They are designed to break down quickly in water. Paper towels are designed to hold together in water. Don’t forget that there are trash cans in each stall for other items. Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter!


Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 4:12 PM

Subject: Please Read: Ladies Rest Room
Importance: High

Good Afternoon,

It’s my extreme displeasure to have to send this email again. Ladies, when you use the restroom it is very important to realize that someone else will eventually come into that same stall and would appreciate not seeing the mess that is being left on the toilet seat! We are all adults and should not have to be told that you need to flush the toilet; and if you get something on the seat it’s common courtesy to clean YOUR mess YOUR self. Please be sure to clean up after yourself! This includes dropping paper towels all over the floor and counter too. Do not dispose of your lunch trash in the restroom trash can, it’s too small and fills up fast. Don’t forget that we have clients here almost every day!!!! We also share this floor with other’s who are not affiliated with (us). Thank you for taking this seriously and doing your part in making this a better work place for all.

The last one was sent from one of the higher ups…..

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:12 PM

Subject: Restroom Embarrassment – 10th floor

Hi Ladies

It is with great disappointment that I have to send out an e-mail like this. Particularly as it may not apply to all individuals on this e-mail and only a select few that force individuals to address an issue such as this.

The women’s restroom on the 10th floor is embarrassing. I have had numerous complaints from (our) employees and today a guest that is here visiting (us), that the 10th floor restroom was unbearable and that they had to find another restroom in the building. Please note that every time there is an unsanitary ‘mess’ we have to advise building maintenance to send a maintenance individual to take care of the issue – ultimately it is always poor RJ or Pete that have to call in the issue which I am sure is very embarrassing for them.

We are supposed to be ladies and take pride in ourselves and our environments. We are also to show respect for our fellow colleagues and guests. We can show this by not leaving the restroom in an unsanitary mess as it was found this morning. Please remember that you share these restrooms with a few other individuals who include your colleagues, friends, guests and clients of (our company) and next time you use the 10th floor restroom. I would like to encourage you to ask yourself one question before you leave:

Is this how I would leave my restroom at home?

If the answer is no, then clean it up, it is your mess! If the answer is yes, then clean it up out of respect for others.

I hope that this issue does not persist and we will not have to send out an e-mail of this nature again.

In order to not embarrass us ladies any further – I have tried to not send this to the whole company, if I have left anyone off the list please do not hesitate to forward to those individuals

If you have concerns or items that you need to discuss in this regard please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Thank you

I continue to go to other floors.  Even washing my hands in the 1oth floor sink leaves me feeling like I must dip my hands in alcohol aftwerwards.  Last week, I went into the “kitchen” to get water from the water cooler, using my sleeve on the nozzle so I didn’t have to touch something that some unclean person may have touched, when I noticed a coworker laying layers upon layers of paper towel on a chair.  I asked her what she was doing as she sat down on at least twenty pieces of paper.

“You’ve seen that bathroom.  Whomever sat in there, may have sat here too,” was her reply to me.

“Good point,” I replied as I used my sleeve again to open the door.



Liza’s NYE:

I was going to go to a friend’s house and just hang out, but around 2:00 that afternoon I got a headache I couldn’t shake. I decided to try to take a nap or at least lay down in the quiet darkness of my room. Well lucky me because my classy ass neighbors, on both sides and in front and back of me, started shooting off fireworks at 3:00 that afternoon. Actually, truth be told they have been having a “white-trash off” fireworks display every night since a week or so before Christmas and haven’t stopped. (* not all neighbors referred to as white trash are in fact white) It felt like I was suffering from PTSD. Every time I had almost fallen asleep…BOOM. In my half conscious half dream state I believed I was at war. Needless to say my headache never went away and I spend midnight in bed listening to 4 simultaneous fireworks finales. Yesterday I woke up to one random one at 7:00 AM. Will they ever run out? “I can’t afford rent this month, but I bought me a month’s worth O sparkly explosives.” And yes I know you are all dying to know; the next day I picked up every piece of fire work carnage that had floated into my backyard and threw it back over the fence.


Tippi’s NYE:

Got drunk off of one champagne cupcake and fell asleep.

Holiday Cubicle Contest

So I posted before that I wasn’t too happy about the group set up of the decorating contest, but I thought I’d do my best and get into the holiday spirit.  I was actually enjoying planning and decorating, as one of the girls in my group has her own decorating blog and was willing to help out.  Liza wasn’t so lucky, her team at odds on theme and what to decorate, failing to pitch in monetarily or even physically, preferring to sit while Liza climbed desk after desk hanging lights and hundreds of snowflakes made by her.

It was all supposed to be in good fun, especially since I knew the outcome would be biased.  I helped other teams, gave them tips and even the templates to make the 3-D snowflakes.  Even though Liza was doing so much work herself, she enjoyed decorating also.  As with any fun at our humble company, it was short-lived.  Once my team started pulling out our major decorations, the “hatin” started, complaining that we were too much, that we stole their ideas, when clearly I had freely told everyone what we were planning, and that having the boss on our team wasnt fair because he paid for it all out of our expense account.  Of course that wasnt true.  Our team members all pitched in, well except one but that’s a whole other story, and he paid out of his own pocket as he was by default, part of our group.

The mess didn’t stop there, Liza’s team failing to place, even though the two of our teams were the only two original and creative decorations, with a single, well thought out theme.  Our team did get first place, a gift card, the denomination hardly enough to feed the nine of us at the most expensive chain of restaurants in our city.

Overall, I had fun, taking me out of what is normally a depressing time of year for me, and even though it means nothing, Liza’s team should have been second place.

Tippi’s Team Decor….

Liza’s Winter Wonderland….


The team that actually won second place.  I loved the idea of Santa going down the fireplace.  If anything, it’s what put them over the top, but the wrapping paper, including the hanna montana/justin beiber, although funny, was done by every other team besides Liza’s and mine.

Holiday Revenge


This is what happens when you offer everyone but me cake when I was the one who decorated your desk for your birthday and had everyone sign your card! Happy birthday Lonnie! Hope you like confetti snow, a big pink bow (lol that rhymes) and your name in pink glitter letters stuck to your computer!